Talent Development - Building a Culture of Feedback

Client’s needs: 

Due to budget constraints and work pressures, this INGO client promoted their staff to managerial roles without adequate management training. Subsequently, they identified feedback as a key skill requirement for their managers. RISE had also recently supported the organization in revising its performance management system, and the lack of feedback skills had emerged as a need during this project. 

RISE actions: 

RISE provided its core Giving and Receiving Feedback training to the managers.

Building on behavioral science, RISE’s training emphasizes seeking-feedback skills as much as giving-feedback skills.
Both aspects of feedback focus on the Receiver as behavior changes occur at the receiving end. 

RISE anchors the training with its SAVE©-seeking and SEEN©-giving feedback frameworks. (For coaching skills, RISE uses the time-tested GROW framework.)  All sessions use case scenarios customized to the organization’s context and needs. 


The organization made progress in fostering a feedback culture, with managers seeking and giving feedback more frequently beyond the annual review process. Given the program's positive feedback, RISE was subsequently asked to expand the training to all staff. Additionally, RISE has also implemented coaching skills training for their managers.  


Session participants said:

Some leading social impact organizations that RISE provided this training to include

Ibis, EAI, and DevWorks.